Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mike Hampton hurt ... again

I am a team fan. I like Hampton as well as other Braves' players.

昨天經過醫生檢查後,Hampton 投球的左臂要立即接受手術,"torn flexor tendon" (屈肌腱撕裂 what's that?),預計要 6-9 個月的復原時間,本季確定不會在球場上看到他了。

春訓時左側斜肌(oblique)的傷復原得還不錯,沒想到又發生這樣的結果,應該是 2005 年 9 月的 Tommy John 手術並不太成功。I won't blame Hampton for this, it's not his fault. 只能說投手真的是很脆弱的動物,即使現代醫學如此發達,很多不確定的因素還是難以掌握,像 John Smoltz 那樣動過韌帶更換手術回來還能那麼猛的,我只能說:"How lucky the Braves and we fans are."

Hampton 會被很多球迷抱怨的原因,在於他的大合約。Hampton 的合約是我見過最詭異的一份,內容還牽涉到落磯山、馬林魚二隊,2002 年底是 Rockies 把 Hampton 先交易給 Marlins、Braves 再用 Tim Spooneybarger 和另一位球員與 Marlins 交易來 Hampton。(Where are you, Spoony?!)

原先在網路上發現合約的二個版本,但今天官網有比較詳細的說明(Click here),就以官網為準 Hampton 的合約與各隊分攤金額如下:

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 03-09
Hampton $11M $12M $12.5M $13.5M $14.5M $15M $6M $84.5M
Rockies $2M $2M $2.5M

$6M $12.5M
Marlins $7M $8M $8.5M

Braves $2M $2M $1.5M $13.5M $14.5M $15M
* 2009 club option, $6M buyout
** Insurance covered part of Hampton's salary last season and will cover an undisclosed amount this season.

Rockies 和 Mike Hampton 簽下八年(01-08) $121M 破紀錄的合約,而 2002 年底 John Schuerholz 把這份合約變得在財務上對 Braves 較為有利,哪知人算不如天算,Hampton 來到勇士後,只投了 72 場、413.2 局,成績是 32W-20L、3.96 ERA,自 2005 年 9 月手肘掛掉就長掛傷兵名單,而近年來 Braves 預算的緊縮,這份合約成了極大的負擔,還好有保險負擔一部分,不致血本無歸,但就如 Schuerholz 講的:"Injuries are a part of what we do",只能說 Braves 真是太背了。

Hampton is a bulldog, he'll fight to be back here .... I hope.

4/11 Update:
Mike Hampton had successful surgery on his left elbow Tuesday morning in New York to repair the torn flexor tendon in his elbow. The prognosis was as predicted — he'll miss six to nine months, Braves general manager John Schuerholz said.

Bobby Cox on Hampton's situation:
"It's unfortunate. He was ready to go," Cox said. "Now he's out again for the whole year."
"It's just that Mike is real special. This will be the third year we haven't had him, really. Two and a half years. He's been a 20-game winner before and he was fired up to get going. We thought he was ready." Cox said. "I was counting on him to win 15 games. He's that good."
"He'll be determined," Cox said he expects the 34-year-old Hampton will be back for the 2008 season, adding "I don't think there's anything left in there to tear."

Hampton is owed $14.5 million this year and $15 million in 2008. Insurance will refund at least part of Hampton's 2007 salary to the team. General manager John Schuerholz said he wouldn't discuss the insurance on Hampton.

Mike Hampton Statistics

Atlanta Braves official site
Cot's Baseball Contracts