I had expressed my anger about Glavine in this article,"Tom Glavine is a Traitor?". But now, Glavine turned down $13M offer from Mets and gave Atlanta Braves a hometown discount with $8M, one-year deal.
I have to be happy with it. Welcome home, Tommy.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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Glavine's back |
Saturday, September 22, 2007
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Did you know? |
(中文版 Did you know?)
Did you know II
Monday, September 3, 2007
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Trash talk |
Is Braves' season over? Mathematically, not yet. But after being swept by Mets, this year was failed disappointedly. I am sorry that Braves can't go to the play-off, on the other hand, the result is not bad for the team and fans.
21st century's Braves are not strong as 1990's, limited budget, elder core players, spoiled fans and the same stubborn Bobby Cox. I don't know, after two years without playoff, not feeling that bad.
最近半個月很少看棒球,MLB.TV 晾在旁邊也很久了。I think that I need a fresh air without baseball around.
當初建立這個部落格,除了自己對 Braves 的喜愛,還希望能留下一些紀錄,在未來數十年視茫茫、髮蒼蒼、齒牙動搖後,有一些值得回憶的東西。但畢竟年紀越來越大,花在這裡的時間也越來越少,不營養的內容反而是一種傷害,考慮把這個 blog 收了。
很訝異的,我發現還有不少網友光臨這個沒啥內容的地方,這要非常感謝一些同樣熱愛 MLB 的部落客,把這裏加入各位的連結,以目前「中華洋基」當道的台灣,各位才是最棒的。
很抱歉這裡一直沒有開放 comment,主要是懶、怕忘了回覆,尤其自作聰明改了 Template 後,有點難改回來。Anyway, 謝謝曾經蒞臨的網友,雖然我不認識各位,但非常謝謝你們。
如果對小弟有什麼指教的,請 email 至 bravesfan.tw@gmail.com,謝謝。
Go Braves!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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Another version - Trouble |
Elder Lindsey is still great, unbelievable guitarist.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
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Braves are in Trouble |
My favorite song, Lindsey Rocks!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
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Braves Designate Bob Wickman for Assignment |
Bobby made this decision, "I just want to try something else, try something new," Cox said.
Andruw said the truth behind this move,
"If it's not a save situation, he was not happy about it," Andruw Jones said. "It's not fair to the team. It's not fair for the manager. The way he was going about this business, separate from everybody.
"We're a team. Everybody has their own attitude. Everybody's got their own feeling about each other. Everybody's got their own way of going about their business. But when we put a uniform on and we're all together, we're all as one. And we need guys who want to go out there and perform."
Surprised, no idea about this move yet. Perhaps I'd call this move a kick-ass. Bobby clearly made a sign, play 100% or fuxk yourself elsewhere.
Reference: AJC Braves cut ties with Wickman
Monday, August 20, 2007
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Teixeira Tribute Song |
Teixeira, who has seven homers and 19 RBIs in 17 games since being traded to the Braves. Two Auburn students from Alabama and longtime Braves fans made a song to Mark Teixeira. TBS' Chip Caray and Joe Simpson played this song during Tex's second at-bat of today's game.
Reference: Teixeira song is a hit
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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Bobby sets record with 132nd career ejection |
Bobby Cox, who had managed to go 43 consecutive games without an ejection, has been tossed by 79 different umpires.
All-Time Ejection Leaders
Bobby Cox | 132 |
John McGraw | 131 |
Leo Durocher | 124 |
Earl Weaver | 97 |
Frankie Frisch | 86 |
Cox said that this is not a record to be proud of. But I like his attitude in the field for trying to protect his players.
最近的比賽不管贏或輸、表現好或壞,真他馬的越來越好看了,今天的比賽又殺死一堆細胞 (Recap)。I almost gave up this game after Wickman's poor performance, but wait ..... Chipper hits a game winning double after 10 minutes.
依慣例附上今天的 Game Graph (referred to FanGraphs)。
Braves WPA leader: Yunel Escobar .376 ( runner-up: Matt Diaz .134)
Goat: Bob Wickman -.189 (runner-up Jeff Francoeur -.132)
Most decisive play: I'll give credit to Yunel Escobar for his nice catch in the ninth inning, he saves at least a run.
Most decisive pitch: Every pitch Bob Wickman made in the ninth inning!!
Total contribution by the hitters: .537
Total contribution by the pitchers: -.037
John Smoltz 七月 4 GS、27 IP、2.33 ERA,被 Soriano BS 一場,只拿到 1W-1L;八月繼續他的壞運氣 3 GS、19 IP、4.74 ERA,被 Mahay & Wickamn 各 BS 一場,拿到 0W-1L。七場有三場被牛棚搞砸 .....
BTW, perhaps Andruw should be benched or put on DL for a while, he needs more rest or adjustment for Braves sake.
推薦閱讀: 我愛賽伯計量學:霸氣, 這玩意真的存在?
我看過國外報導最接近「霸氣」的單字是 "intimidating",這是個形容詞。如果討論棒球捨棄那麼多的技術層面不去探討,卻使用這種沒有邏輯的形容詞來比較球員,實在是很可笑的一件事。
for FUN: Barry Bonds Signs
Monday, August 13, 2007
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Current state of Braves' farm system |
Braves 為了取得 Mark Teixeira 一下付出五個新秀,尤其失去了 Jarrod Saltalamacchia、Elvis Andrus 這二個評價最好的新秀,現在勇士農場的狀況如何,相信是關心球隊未來的球迷想要了解的。
常逛的一個 blog: Chop-n-Change 在 8/8 就有一篇 Chat with Bryan Smith 談到這個問題,Bryan Smith 是 Baseball Prospectus 負責寫小聯盟的專欄作家,藉由這個訪談,可以瞭解很多勇士目前農場客觀的狀況。原文請點閱上列連結。
1) 勇士農場在交易 Teixeira 後大失血,現在的評價如何?
現在大概是倒數前10名,這對你們來說應該不會感到意外。但我相信你們農場改造的速度比其他墊底的球團要快,更何況農場也並沒有完全被掏空,在高階農場裡你們還有 Brandon Jones 和 Brent Lillibridge,這兩個明年球季就可能對球隊有所貢獻;而低階農場裡則有不少好投手,像 Tommy Hanson、Cole Rohrbaugh、Jeff Locke、Steve Kent ... 等。還有一些介於以上二者之間的球員像 Jordan Schafer, Cody Johnson 和 Eric Campbell,以及今年很不錯的選秀新人 (Jason Heyward..),我認為在一、二年內勇士農場又會回到前半段的等級。
2) Brent Lillibridge 今年開季的慢熱曾引起一些懷疑,但下半季又回復以往火熱的身手,他未來在大聯盟的表現大概會是如何?
我想 Lillibridge 未來會是位先發游擊手。他的長打 (power) 加上速度 (speed) 的組合對一個游擊手來說還不錯,而且對大聯盟的左投具有一定的殺傷力。我想他一開始的問題來自更換球團的不適應,而目前在 3A Richmond 就回復到當初 John Scheurholz 選進來所預期的水準。
3) 誰會是 Braves 未來的游擊手,Yunel Escobar 或 Brent Lillibridge?
在持續的研究下,我認為未來的 SS 應該是 Lillibridge。我認為你們在防守上損失的一小部份所交換回來的好處是較好的長打率 (slugging percentage) 和跑壘 (baserunning)。我了解球迷喜愛 Yunel 的原因,但是幾個令人印象深刻的精彩畫面並不代表他就一定能獲得這份工作。我想也有機會看到這二位球員同時在球場上,例如 Lillibridge 負責 CF,或者 Yunel 繼續佔住 SS 直到證明他不能勝任為止。但我個人會毫不猶豫的在 2008 球季開始的那一天將 SS 交給 Lillibridge。
4) Kala Ka'aihue 似乎是個讓人又愛又恨的球員,你對他未來的看法?
我並不那麼看好 Kala。我知道看他的長打能力 (power) 和耐心 (patience) 會讓人興奮,但一位 TTO (Three True Outcomes) 的球員就只有這麼多的價值 (but a Three True Outcomes player only has so much value),Ka'aihue 很難成為像 Adam Dunn 那樣的球員。他揮空的次數太多 (wings through way too many pitches),他在打擊區沒什麼方法 (bad approach at the plate),而且我認為他在 2A 所展現的可能只是一個期待 (a thing to come)。如果 Scott Thorman 因為擊球的問題 (contact problem) 而不能在大聯盟生存,那麼 Kala Ka'aihue 也絕對沒辦法在大聯盟生存。
5) 你對 Jason Heyward 的看法?他可能發展成為一位優秀的打者嗎?
就像故事書結尾一樣 Braves 選到他們想要的 Heyward,老實說我很訝異他在今年的選秀落到這麼後面 (14th overall pick in the draft),我大概會將他排在第八到第十,所以 Atlanta 選到他算賺到了。他一簽約就會是 top prospect,而且他可能成為勇士未來的第四棒。我喜歡他的揮棒動作 (swing),我喜歡他在這個年紀所表現出來的耐心 (patience),我喜歡他在防守位置上的運動性 (athleticism)。無論他未來擔任的是 LF、RF 甚至 1B,他都會在打擊上表現得不錯。Braves 的球迷應該會因為這個年輕人而感到很興奮。
6) 過去二年誰是比較好的第 22 輪 draft-and-follow 選進來的新秀:Tommy Hanson 還是 Cole Rohrbough?
我不喜歡這個問題。因為 Braves 很幸運能同時擁有這二位球員,所以誰比較好有什麼重要?這二個都很不錯,但我想你會看到 Hanson 的排名在今年冬天時會比較高,因為他的身材比較好 (a larger body of work)。他在 High-A 的控球不太好,導致被擊出一些全壘打和過多的保送,但是我喜歡他的身材 (body) 和球威 (stuff)。我曾拿他和 Adam Wainwright 做比較並得到類似的結果。至於 Rohrbough 可能排名在他之後,但我認為他有高於 Hanson 的發展上限 (ceiling),因為像他一樣既有不錯的曲球、又能投出 mid-90 速球,還加上第三種有效球路的左投並不多,他是個比剛丟出去交易的 Matt Harrison 好很多的潛力新秀。若你要我從這二位中選一個比較喜歡的,我想我大概會選擇 Rohrbough,但這二個都不會讓你失望。
7) 選一個我們應該持續關注,並在明年球季會有很大突破的 Braves 新秀。
今年開始把 draft-and-follow 這種選秀方式取消之後,未來不再有 22 輪後持續追蹤再簽約 (follow-throughs) 的情況。但再提一次,Braves 在這次選秀中段順位的選擇非常棒,勇士球迷開始看到 Brandon Hicks 在低階小聯盟展現過人的運動天份 (athleticism);雖然 Cory Gearrin 碰到一點小挫折但仍然能夠三振對手,他應該也會很快升上大聯盟。而我最想推薦的是第七輪選進來的南卡羅來納球員 Travis Jones,他沒有像 Hicks 那麼好的運動性但也不差,而且擁有優異的耐心 (patience) 和對二壘手來說不錯的長打能力 (power),他的體型讓人想起站守二壘的 Josh Barfield,我認為他明年球季真的將會有所突破。另外,我並未將 Eric Campbell 完全排除在潛力新秀之外,如果他明年離開 1A+ Myrtle Beach 後並開始打出一些漂亮成績時,我也不會訝異。
MLB Official: Braves sign No.1 pick Heyward on Sunday (8/12)
FOX Sports: O's in danger of losing top pick
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
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New home run king (*) |
San Francisco Giants Barry Bonds hits his 756th career home run in the fifth inning of their baseball game against the Washington Nationals in San Francisco, Tuesday, August 7, 2007.
Bud Selig 未親自出席,打了通電話給 Bonds,隨後發布一份聲明:
"While the issues which have swirled around this record will continue to work themselves toward resolution, today is a day for congratulations on a truly remarkable achievement," Selig said in a statement, released after he spoke to Bonds by telephone.
Hank Aaron 也如同之前說的沒興趣參加,但 Hammer 還是有份事先錄好的恭賀:
"It is a great accomplishment which required skill, longevity and determination," Aaron said in his message. "Throughout the past century, the home run has held a special place in baseball and I have been privileged to hold this record for 33 of those years. I move over now and offer my best wishes to Barry and his family on this historic achievement.
"My hope today, as it was on that April evening in 1974, is that the achievement of this record will inspire others to chase their own dreams," he said.
自己的紀錄被打破時 Aaron 在做什麼?
A woman who answered the phone at Aaron's home in Georgia shortly after Bonds' homer said that Aaron was asleep.
Hank Aaron is damn cool!
More articles:
Terence Moore Aaron explains message to Bonds
AJC Dale Murphy: Bonds 'terrible example for our kids'
John Donovan Bonds holds the home run record, but he's no hero
Scott Miller Home Run King still a magical title?
Mark Kriegel Bonds' historic journey too good to be true
Monday, August 6, 2007
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Glavine Wins Number 300 |
Leo Mazzone's 1995 staff of (from left) Glavine, Steve Avery, Kent Mercker, Greg Maddux and John Smoltz won the World Series.
Glavine got his 300th win today, bitter sweet.
I had expressed my upset about his leaving. I respect his achievement, but Tommy had been retired from my heart after 2002.
Friday, August 3, 2007
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8/2 Astros (12) @ Braves (11) |
Rafael Soriano 第八局被 Mike Lamb 轟了一支追平滿貫砲,歷史馬上回溯到 2005 年的第一輪季後賽,十八局的痛苦記憶又回來了,雖然最後以輸球收場,但仍然是一場非常精采的比賽 (Box Score)。Jo-Jo Reyes 在賽後被派到 3A Richmond,取代五號先發的則是 Lance Cormier。如果 Braves 能擠進季後賽,Smoltz and Hudson 掛頭牌、Chucky or Carlyle 頂三號,先發投手只要保持健康,沒什麼大問題;但目前排名還落後的情況下 everygame count,必須爭取每一場獲勝的可能,希望最後不是因為五號先發的崩盤,成為季末飲恨的決定性因素。
近來習慣把延長賽的 Game Graph 自 FanGraphs 轉錄過來,原因除了比較精彩刺激外,所謂的 high leverage 情況也會特別多,看著如同心電圖的 Winning Probability,希望自己能看到 MLB.TV 或 Recap 外更清楚的比賽狀況。
今天的 Game Graph (referred to FanGraphs)
Braves WPA leader: Matt Diaz .530 (Mark Teixeira .183)
Goat: Chipper Jones -.397 (Rafael Soriano -.352, Jo-Jo Reyes -.341, Kelly Johnson -.250)
Most decisive play: Chipper grounded into double play in the 14th inning.
Most decisive pitch: After Harris made an error, Soriano allowed Mike Lamb to hit a game tying grand slam in the 8th inning.
Total contribution by the hitters: .106
Total contribution by the pitchers: -.606
Rafael Soriano 目前 1.69 HR/9 是 MLB 六年以來最差的一季,其實對手的打擊率並不高 (.179 vs. left, .212 vs. right),7.88 K/9 和 2.06 BB/9 也算不錯,本季至今 48 局的投球應該也還說不上過度使用,從 MLB.TV 看起來球速還有、但沒什麼 movement,而今天被轟了滿貫砲後又連續解決後三名打者 (2 SO),Damn, it's hard to observe a reliever.
BTW, from the WPA's point of view, it's Chipper's worst game this season.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
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Trade trade trade |
Braves 在季中交易期限內完成最後的二筆交易
1) Braves sent Kyle Davies to Kansas in exchange for Royals closer Octavio Dotel.
2) Braves sent Wilfredo Ledezma and Will Startup to San Diego for lefty Royce Ring
看來 John Schuerholz 是吃了秤砣鐵了心,今年非打進季後賽不可的樣子,把季中交易市場可能得到的籌碼都弄進來,現在只剩先發投手這塊空缺,不過也沒什麼好貨可以換就是了。
Damn! I like our chances, but dislike to see our high potential prospects leaving. Bittersweet, period.
btw, I think that I really have to understand the logic of "Built to win" over and over again. (Review: Built to Win)
開季以來猛打擺子的 Kyle Davies 還是被交易出去了,顯然他不在 Braves 未來的藍圖裏,我不是他的支持者,不過還是希望他在 Royals 系統裡有好的發展。
Octavio Dotel 近五年的成績:
Yr | W | L | ERA | IP | K/9 | BB/9 | HR/9 | WHIP | FIP | GB | FB |
2003 | 6 | 4 | 2.48 | 87.0 | 10.03 | 3.21 | 0.93 | 0.97 | 3.49 | 73 | 94 |
2004 | 6 | 6 | 3.69 | 85.1 | 12.87 | 3.48 | 1.37 | 1.18 | 3.62 | 52 | 102 |
2005 | 1 | 2 | 3.52 | 15.1 | 9.39 | 6.46 | 1.17 | 1.37 | 4.96 | 9 | 19 |
2006 | 0 | 0 | 10.80 | 10.0 | 6.30 | 9.90 | 1.80 | 2.90 | 7.70 | 15 | 18 |
2007 | 2 | 1 | 3.91 | 23.0 | 11.35 | 4.30 | 1.17 | 1.52 | 4.33 | 28 | 25 |
就看三個最直接的表現 SO、BB、HR
很不錯的三振能力、保送有點多、被 HR 高於聯盟平均。
對手平均打擊率約 .264、壘上有人被打擊率約 .157、RISP 被打擊率約 .132。
** He's making $5M this season, with incentives likely to earn him another $1M or more. Dotel holds a $5.5M player option for 2008, an option the team can void.
$5-6M/Yr 和現任 closer Bob Wickman 差不多,不特別貴、也不怎麼便宜,目前可能和 Soriano 共同擔任 Wickman 的 setup。
前幾天被 DFA 的 Ledezma 加上小聯盟的 Will Startup 換一隻左手牛 Royce Ring (本季在大聯盟 15 局的投球,面對左打 avg .250, 對右打 avg .161),預計先派到 3A Richmond 等九月擴編才會上來,不特別重要的一筆交易,算是補強牛棚左投的深度。
** Will Startup, a former University of Georgia standout who was 3-2 with a 2.23 ERA in 42 appearances at Class AAA Richmond.
Braves' 2007 non-waiver trade:
Lost: Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Elvis Andrus, Neftali Feliz ,Matt Harrison, Beau Jones, Kyle Davies, Will Startup, Wilfredo Ledezma (DFA).
Got: Mark Teixeira, Ron Mahay, Octavio Dotel, Royce Ring
More articles:
Braves players salute trade deadline moves
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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Welcome to Atlanta, Tex |
Dallas Morning News (Link here)
Rangers owner Tom Hicks revealed Tuesday that he offered Mark Teixeira an eight-year, $140 million contract two weeks ago.
The Rangers became more intent on trading him after he turned down the proposal. "I thought we made enough of an offer to keep him a Ranger for life," Hicks said. :I'm disappointed he turned it down, but I think we did everything we could to keep him. Now, we've got some very good young players coming here and I feel with some good moves and free-agent signings, we can be a championship team."
I think that I am not the only one who does not pay attention to this before.
SI.com Jon Heyman(Click here)
This last consideration may not bother many, but Salty has an unusual family situation. Now 21, he married a teacher at his high school in West Palm Beach, Fla., who is now 37, according to records. His wife Ashley, who recently gave birth to their second child, insisted to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that their personal relationship didn't begin until the fall of 2004, when Salty was 18.
The Rangers apparently are aware of Salty's unusual family situation and are said to believe he's maturing. Besides, switch-hitting catchers are hard to come by.
FOXSports Dayn Perry (Link here)
..., as the research of Jay Jaffe of Baseball Prospectus has shown, Braves GM John Schuerholz has a knack for knowing which prospects to part with and which to keep. ...
Texas Rangers C.J. Wilson's MySpace (Link here)
mark teixeira and ron mahay are now atlanta braves...
才寫完上一篇不到幾個小時,這筆交易就完成了。Anyway, a good or bad transaction, it's a done deal.
Braves get: Mark Teixeira, Ron Mahay
Rangers get: Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Elvis Andrus, Neftali Feliz and (Matt Harrison ?)
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram says the Rangers will get Neftali Feliz along with Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Elvis Andrus and another pitching prospect from the Braves in the Mark Teixeira deal.
It says nothing about Matt Harrison, though he may be the other pitching prospect. If so, this just gets even better for the Rangers. The 19-year-old Feliz had as much upside as any pitching in Atlanta's system.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
The Braves have finalized a major trade for Texas Rangers first baseman Mark Teixeira, a deal that will also bring them much-needed bullpen help in the form of veteran left-hander Ron Mahay.
More articles,
MLB.com Braves agree to deal for Teixeira
AJC Teixeira gives Braves better prospects at today
FOXSports Braves take lead in bidding for Dotel
Monday, July 30, 2007
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Teixeira trading "rumor" |
Matt Harrison has been removed from the Braves' Mark Teixeira proposal after being shut down with shoulder tendinits.
Says FOXSports.com's Ken Rosenthal, the Braves are still offering Jarrod Saltalamacchia and Elvis Andrus for Teixeira, and they gave the Rangers a list of young pitchers to consider as Harrison's replacement. Jo-Jo Reyes isn't on said list, though he might yet be in play if Eric Gagne or C.J. Wilson is included along with Teixeira.
Rotoworld FOXSports
這陣子最熱門的交易傳聞就是 Braves 可能以 Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Elvis Andrus 和 Matt Harrison 與 Rangers 交易 Mark Teixeira,先看看 Teixeira 的成績,
Yr | Ag | AVG | OBP | SLG | OPS | BB/K | HR | OPS+ |
2003 | 23 | 0.259 | 0.331 | 0.480 | 0.811 | 0.37 | 26 | 103 |
2004 | 24 | 0.281 | 0.370 | 0.560 | 0.929 | 0.58 | 38 | 128 |
2005 | 25 | 0.301 | 0.379 | 0.575 | 0.954 | 0.58 | 43 | 146 |
2006 | 26 | 0.282 | 0.371 | 0.514 | 0.886 | 0.70 | 33 | 123 |
2007 | 27 | 0.297 | 0.397 | 0.524 | 0.921 | 0.68 | 13 | 139 |
1) Saltalamacchia 的價值,很大的原因在於他是個打擊很好的捕手,而 Braves 已經有個今年才簽了六年約的 Brian McCann,被擋住的 Salty 只能移往1B。但就目前為止,不管什麼原因,Bobby Cox 並沒有讓 Salty 常常站在1B,還撿了49歲的老胡回來。另外 Salty 在1B有限的場次下表現得也並不理想,下列今年的成績。
Player | Pos | AB | AVG | OBP | SLG |
Salty | C | 79 | 0.354 | 0.393 | 0.468 |
Salty | 1B | 44 | 0.182 | 0.245 | 0.364 |
Thorman | 252 | 0.214 | 0.257 | 0.385 | |
Franco | 30 | 0.200 | 0.294 | 0.300 |
2) Elvis Andrus 這幾年一直是勇士農場裡排名很高的新秀,年輕是他最大的本錢,但未來也因此充滿不確定性,future Derek Jeter or Edgar Renteria ? Who knows. 至少要再等個三、四年才曉得真正的答案。不過 Braves 在 SS 這個位置包括 Brent Lillibridge、Chase Fontaine 和已經升上來的 Yunel Escobar 都還不錯,若 Edgar Renteria 明年的表現還是這麼亮眼,如果有錢的話,那麼他 2009 年的 $11M club option 也可以撿起來,或試試重簽合約的可能。
Matt Harrison 是目前農場裡評價最好的 SP,我不知道他有多好,但這樣的評價一定有他值得期待的道理,another Jo-Jo Reyes、Anthony Lerew、Kyle Davies、Chuck James or Adam Wainwright ? 一樣要等個二年才會知道真正的答案。
3) 今年季中的交易市場沒什麼好投手丟出來,就算有,以目前各隊都極缺投手的狀況,炒出來的價碼可能不是 Braves 能負擔的。Salty for Snell 可能是之前最好的交易傳聞,但事實上現在就是沒有好投手丟出來。而球季末的交易市場呢?我們等著看一些 2nd-tier 的投手能被炒到什麼樣的驚人價碼。
4) Teixeira 明年仲裁年一過就成為自由球員,Braves 留下他的可能性有多高?我稍微查了一下資料,2009 年 Hampton 的 $6M buyout 大概會留給 Rockies 來付,Andruw 可能也不在了,最大的幾個合約包括:Chipper $8M(vest option)、Hudson $13M、Smoltz $12M、McCann $3.5M 加起來差不多$36M,再來撿不撿 Renteria 的 $11M option 和其他未確定的球員 Francoeur、Chucky、Soriano、Gonzalez 薪資粗估一下,Braves 願意的話還是有機會留下 Teixeira 的,而即使留不住他,Braves 仍能在季中交易他,或最差在季末拿到二個選秀權。
John Schuerholz 一向對交易農場裡的高階新秀毫不手軟,該出手時絕不猶豫,這是他與其他球隊 GM 最大的不同,尤其在受 Money Ball 思維影響的這個年代,Schuerholz 在沒什麼大錢的情況下還能以這樣的手法獲得大部分不錯的交易結果,所以即使這次一口氣丟出三個最好的新秀,我只能選擇相信他的判斷,或者說,至少 Braves 並沒有放棄今年的機會,如果還能弄來個不錯的牛棚那就更好了。JS 是騙子、勇士賣假貨?只能怪其他球隊太笨了。
BTW, 這筆交易讓我想起 1993 年的 Fred McGriff,那年到了七月二十二日 Braves 還落後 Giants 10 場,但最後以一場勝差拿下國聯西區冠軍,Fred McGriff 扮演了重要的角色。如果 Teixeira 的到來也有這樣的效果,現實的我們大概很快就會忘了當時這筆交易的代價吧。Just wait and see.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
[+/-] |
好用的清潔 DSLR CCD 小工具 |
一般所說清潔數位單眼相機的 CCD,其實指的是清理覆蓋在 CCD 上一層的「低通濾鏡 Low Pass Filter」,但低通濾鏡的英文縮寫是 LP,清潔 LP 實在太難聽,所以大家還是習慣說清潔 CCD,LP 就保留給陳唐山先生專用好了。
NIKON D50 買來用了差不多二年,很少真正清理過 CCD,頂多就是用吹球噴個幾下,不然就是用大光圈忽略它、或是以軟體解決。也不是沒動過念頭好好清理一下那些附著在 LP 上的灰塵 (XD .... 還是叫 CCD 好了),只是 Google 打上關鍵字「清潔 CCD」查到各式各樣、千奇百怪的清潔方法,有用無水酒精的、有用 3M 膠帶的、有用黏土的,還有什麼靜電刷、吸塵器等等,看了就讓人膽顫心驚、不敢輕易嘗試。終於 ..... 發現了 Mobile01 裏一篇文章介紹的清潔用具「Pentax O-ICK1 果凍筆」,
當下立即殺到博愛路,買回來試用了一下,沒想到這小小一支就要價一千二百多的小東西還滿管用的,對付一般塵點非常方便,而且體積小容易攜帶。但如果是較難清掉的油性頑垢,建議還是參考這一篇 ADI 的 如何自行清理CCD 比較有效。
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
[+/-] |
7/24 Braves(7) @ Bonds(5) |
WTF !! It reminds me of this game.
Bob Wickman 今年五次BS,其中毀掉 Tim Hudson 就佔了三場。今天這場比賽幾乎就是 4/25 在佛羅里達(BoxScore)那場比賽的翻版。同樣是 Hudson 投了八局完封、同樣是 Huddy 在九局下半繼續主投、同樣是由 Wickman 上來救援、同樣被對手攻下四分。不同的是上次帶著三分領先進入最後半局、被逆轉輸掉比賽,而今天多帶了一分,只被舊金山邦茲隊追平,最後拖到 13 局拿到難看的勝利。
** 6/14 在明尼蘇達比賽的狀況是 Huddy(7.1 IP) 和 Soriano(0.2 IP) 完封八局,帶著二分的領先在九局下被 Wickman 毀掉(Box Score)。
來看看今天比賽的 WPA (referred to Fangraphs)。
Braves WPA leader: Tim Hudson .335 (*Also honored, Edgar Renteria .227 and Peter Moylan .286)
Goat: Bob Wickman -.456
Most decisive play: Renteria's 2-out, 2-RBI double in the 13th inning.
Most decisive pitch: Wickman allowed Bengie Molina to hit a 2-out, game tying single in the 9th inning.
Total contribution by the hitters: .147
Total contribution by the pitchers: .353
Dear Bobby, please bench "Who--Lee--Old" and start Salty (or even Thorman) at 1B....
Weird stats: Bob Wickman 的客場成績慘不忍睹,遠遠不如主場。
至今 22 次的客場出賽是 8.20 ERA、5 BS/14 SVO;而在主場的 ERA 是 0。
客場出賽的 18-2/3 局,被打 30 支安打、17 自責分;而在主場的 16-2/3 局,被打 9 支安打、0 自責分。
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
[+/-] |
No comment, no idea .... |
Ruth did it on hotdogs & Beer.
Aaron did it with class.
How did YOU do it ?
More Barry Bonds Signs
Thursday, July 19, 2007
[+/-] |
7/18 Reds(5) @ Braves(4) |
這場15局的比賽雙方共派出13名投手,Braves 在最後半局的反攻,在所有板凳出清的清況下,連 Kyle Davies 都被派上來代打。這裡引用 FanGraphs 的資料,試著以 WPA 的角度來看這場比賽 (Recap)。
Braves WPA leader: John Smoltz .453
Goat: Rafael Soriano -.426
Most decisive play: Chipper's 0 out, 1 RBI game tying double in the 10th inning. After Chipper stole 3B, Andruw lined out to center.
Most decisive pitch: Soriano allows a 2 out, 2 run homer of Adam Dunn to give Reds a 2-1 lead in the 8th inning.(*)
Total contribution by the hitters: -.549.
Total contribution by the pitchers: .049.
(*) Actually, according to the graph, Jose Ascanio allowed Brandon Phillips' 2 outs, 2 RBI single in the 15th inning and Tyler Yates allowed Scott Hatteberg to hit a 2 outs, 1 RBI game leading single in the 10th inning are both decisive pitches.
三連勝 Pirates 後又連敗給 Reds 三場,比較 WPA 自明星賽前到目前的變化,
ex-AllStar | Now | diff | |
Batter | 2.37 | -0.19 | -2.56 |
Starter | -1.38 | -0.33 | 1.05 |
Reliever | 3.69 | 3.02 | -0.67 |
經過明星賽後的這六場比賽,打擊的貢獻度下降很多、牛棚也退步了,先發群的表現,扣掉 Davies 一個人貢獻了 -.30 (-1.35 / -1.65),倒是進步不少。三連敗也懶得多寫什麼,Wish Braves could put it together soon.
BTW, 即將滿 49 歲的 Julio Franco 回來了,I respect Julio, but 對一個已經當阿公的老先生能期待什麼,實在有點哭笑不得。也許老胡真的對球隊的「Chemistry」有點幫助,或者對年輕的 Braves 在經驗上能有點助益。反正也花不了多少錢,勇士只要依大聯盟最低年薪 $38M 的比例支付,最多也就是十幾萬美金,算買個資深板凳顧問吧 (The Mets still have to pay him his entire $1.15 million salary)。
731 快到了,不知道 John Schuerholz 會不會變點魔法出來。
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
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Kyle Davies: Dice-D |
紅襪有個 Dice-K 松坂大輔,勇士也有個 Dice-K,他叫 Kyle Davies (為了區別,這裡叫他 Dice-D),因為 Davies 出賽就像擲骰子一樣,在他出手以前,你永遠也不知道結果會怎樣。Bobby Cox 前一場才因為對 Padres 的精彩表現稱讚他: "He's very close to becoming a really good pitcher.",結果這場球一開始面對紅人隊的前五名打者,就來個 2H、3BB、2ER,還沒解決掉半個打者就被看不下去的 BC 給換了下去。BC 一向對球員百般愛護,生涯最多被趕出場的紀錄,有很大部分是因為支持球員和裁判爭吵所發生的;看看 Mark Redman 季初投成那個樣子,BC 還是一再給他機會,而這次球賽還沒半個出局數、也不是因為受傷就把先發投手換下去,可是 Bobby 從未幹過的事;扣除受傷的因素,Braves 上一次這樣的情形是 22 年以前的 Len Barker,巧合的是那場比賽也是對上 Reds (Game Box),Barker 只投了 11 球 (walk、walk、single、double),而 Dice-D 今天投了 22 球 (single、walk、single、walk、walk)。
Davies 這幾年的成績:
Yr | W | L | ERA | GS | IP | HR9 | BB9 | K9 | WHIP |
2005 | 7 | 6 | 4.93 | 14 | 87.2 | 0.83 | 4.55 | 6.37 | 1.68 |
2006 | 3 | 7 | 8.38 | 14 | 63.1 | 2.00 | 4.71 | 7.25 | 1.94 |
2007 | 4 | 8 | 5.76 | 17 | 86.0 | 1.26 | 4.60 | 6.17 | 1.58 |
Total | 14 | 21 | 6.15 | 45 | 237.0 | 1.29 | 4.61 | 6.53 | 1.71 |
Yr | pLI | WPA | BRAA | ERA+ |
2005 | 1.14 | 0.02 | -1.43 | 89 |
2006 | 0.97 | -2.19 | -27.29 | 53 |
2007 | 0.98 | -1.65 | -14.17 | 73 |
Total | 1.06 | -4.42 | -46.26 | 70 |
Davies 在 2005 年正式升上大聯盟,同年和 Francoeur、McCann 這批菜鳥一起為 Braves 留下 NL East 的冠軍,而去年則因為鼠蹊拉傷影響了表現。
今年球季 Davies 在 Lance Cormier 受傷後頂下一個先發的位置,他主投的第一場球:四月八號在主場迎戰大都會隊,6.2局只失2分,彷彿讓球迷看到了希望,但接下來的表現起起伏伏。而就在六月份連敗四場讓大家快對他失去信心的時候,七月八號在聖地牙哥的比賽,Davies 主投六局只失一分的精采表現,壓過了對方 Padres 的主投 GREAT Maddux,所以才有 Bobby Cox 對他深具期望的 "He's very close to becoming a really good pitcher."。但今天這場該死的比賽,馬上摧毀大家好不容易對他燃起的一點信心,不禁想問 Kyle Davies 的問題到底在哪裡?
賽後有記者問 Bobby Cox 關於 Davies 不穩定的情況,Bobby 的回答是:
"He threw a pretty darn good game in San Diego, and everybody else has been pitching good and you would think you might feed off that kind of thing. But I don't know what happened to him. He just couldn't locate anything."
又有記者問是否 Davies 有投球機制上的問題,Bobby 的回答是:
"There's nothing mechanical about it, just, he's got to put it together back-to-back."
曾有人拿 Kyle Davies 和 Smoltz、Glavine、Maddux 剛出道的成績相比,認為只要 Davies 度過前二年的青春期,未來很有潛力。在查過 Big-Three 的大聯盟生涯前三年的成績後,他們和大部分的新人一樣,都經歷過苦澀的適應期直到第二、三年才逐漸蛻變成球隊的重要資產。而 Davies 有這樣的可能嗎?
其實看到 Davies 我第一個想到拿出來比較的前勇士隊投手,是同樣曾被寄予厚望的 Jason Marquis。
Yr | Ag | W | L | ERA | IP | HR9 | BB9 | K9 | WHIP | ERA+ |
2000 | 21 | 1 | 0 | 5.01 | 23.3 | 1.55 | 4.64 | 6.57 | 1.50 | 92 |
2001 | 22 | 5 | 6 | 3.48 | 129.3 | 0.97 | 4.11 | 6.82 | 1.33 | 127 |
2002 | 23 | 8 | 9 | 5.04 | 114.3 | 1.50 | 3.86 | 6.61 | 1.54 | 82 |
今年九月才滿 24 歲的 Kyle Davies,仍然有足夠的時間在球場上證明自己,但教練團還會給他時間嗎?只有等著看了。
*** Davies 自己賽後的一段談話:
"The last 2 1/2 years have been a challenge," Davies said of his young career. "I pitch good at times. I pitched well at the beginning of the season four straight times and ended up losing three in a row."
"The challenge part of it is going out there and trying to be consistent. I want to go out there and be consistent for myself more than anybody, because I know I'm a whole lot better than this."
Friday, July 13, 2007
[+/-] |
Braves' half season statistics |
不太想用 AVG/OBP/SLG or ERA/WHIP/K9 這種「能力」數據來統計球員的表現,反而越來越喜歡 Win Probability 這個強調貢獻度的統計數據,簡單、易懂只是一部份的優點,主要是反映出目前球員對球隊實際的貢獻。畢竟,球賽的最終目的是獲得勝利,能力強的球員只是表現好的機率高,但並不保證貢獻比較高;另外由於樣本數需要時間的累積,這對很多年輕球員的真實能力不容易清楚的表達。Don't get me wrong, 能力和貢獻是兩回事,能力數據絕對非常有價值,在「關鍵時刻」大家 100% 希望站在打擊區的是 Chipper Jones 而不是 Scott Thorman,只是在賽場上的變數太多,能力好的突槌也見怪不怪,所以這裡選擇以 Win Probability 來統計 Braves 的表現,從球員對勝負貢獻大小的角度來看。
之前稍微說明過 Win Probability (click here),有興趣的可以參考一下。
這裡就參考 Fan Graphs,並以 WPA 高低排序,列出明星賽前的成績統計:
(一) 打擊:
Batter | AVG | OBP | SLG | pLI | WPA | BRAA |
K. Johnson | 0.287 | 0.386 | 0.467 | 0.91 | 1.69 | 19.86 |
E. Renteria | 0.319 | 0.384 | 0.481 | 0.95 | 1.54 | 15.63 |
C. Jones | 0.329 | 0.417 | 0.594 | 0.98 | 1.51 | 16.39 |
Y. Escobar | 0.304 | 0.339 | 0.412 | 1.01 | 1.19 | 1.33 |
W. Harris | 0.342 | 0.419 | 0.441 | 0.96 | 0.93 | 4.04 |
B. McCann | 0.262 | 0.313 | 0.438 | 1.05 | 0.32 | -2.09 |
J. Saltalamacchia | 0.315 | 0.364 | 0.481 | 1.01 | 0.11 | -1.15 |
J. Francoeur | 0.289 | 0.329 | 0.434 | 0.95 | 0.00 | 7.08 |
M. Diaz | 0.353 | 0.375 | 0.471 | 0.93 | -0.01 | 2.39 |
M. Prado | 0.179 | 0.233 | 0.179 | 0.93 | -0.24 | -2.80 |
C. Wilson | 0.172 | 0.304 | 0.259 | 0.93 | -0.43 | -4.90 |
B. Pena | 0.217 | 0.217 | 0.348 | 1.42 | -0.51 | -2.37 |
P. Orr | 0.179 | 0.207 | 0.196 | 0.59 | -0.60 | -6.72 |
R. Langerhans | 0.068 | 0.192 | 0.091 | 0.93 | -0.68 | -8.45 |
S. Thorman | 0.217 | 0.253 | 0.391 | 0.93 | -0.71 | -7.41 |
A. Jones | 0.211 | 0.310 | 0.410 | 1.08 | -0.81 | -6.19 |
C. Woodward | 0.219 | 0.240 | 0.302 | 1.05 | -0.93 | -11.18 |
KJ 雖然在六月有點走下坡,但他仍然是打線中目前為止貢獻度最高的球員,在大聯盟所有二壘手裡也僅次於費城人的 Chase Utley(WPA: 2.42) 和老虎隊的 Placido Polanco(WPA: 2.25)。從數字上也顯示,Renteria 和 Chipper 的貢獻不惶多讓,Thorman 則讓大家季前的期待落空,而 Andruw 被狗幹不是沒有道理的。Francoeur 和 McCann 兩張勇士未來看板的貢獻算是平平,而 Escobar 和 Salty 的表現應該可以提升不少交易價值吧。另外這裡也可以看出幾位在能力數據 (AVG/OBP/SLG) 較高的球員,未必就是影響球賽勝負的關鍵。
勇士的打擊算是相當不錯了,在國聯裏六個位置的打擊率是排在前四名,Catcher (.282)、2B (.286)、3B (.297)、SS (.316)、RF (.289)、LF (.305)。上面六個位置的 OPS 除了 Francoeur 低保送率和 Harris 低長打率的影響外,其他四個位置的 OPS 也排在國聯的前幾名。但板凳球員的表現就不敢領教,該到了考慮把 Chris Woodward DFA 的時候吧。
(二) 先發投手:
Starter | W | L | ERA | WHIP | pLI | WPA | BRAA |
John Smoltz | 9 | 5 | 3.07 | 1.23 | 1.10 | 1.02 | 18.22 |
Chuck James | 8 | 7 | 3.96 | 1.48 | 1.02 | 0.87 | 8.51 |
Tim Hudson | 8 | 5 | 3.54 | 1.21 | 1.00 | 0.84 | 14.63 |
Buddy Carlyle | 3 | 2 | 4.60 | 1.24 | 0.88 | -0.18 | -1.19 |
Anthony Lerew | 0 | 2 | 7.71 | 1.80 | 0.88 | -0.34 | -3.85 |
Jo-jo Reyes | 0 | 0 | 15.00 | 2.67 | 1.15 | -0.40 | -3.42 |
Lance Cormier | 0 | 2 | 15.26 | 2.74 | 0.76 | -0.63 | -8.51 |
Mark Redman | 0 | 4 | 10.62 | 2.11 | 0.99 | -1.21 | -14.00 |
Kyle Davies | 4 | 7 | 5.55 | 1.52 | 0.98 | -1.35 | -10.32 |
沒什麼意外 Smoltz、James、Hudson 站排頭,Chucky 並沒有印象中的差,而 Davies 比意料中的差還要差,已經趕過 Redman 變車尾了,這小子等下次再寫寫他的狀況。
這 裡可以看出先發投手的狀況除了垂垂老矣的 Smoltz 外非常的糟,目前為止的 89 場比賽,先發支撐的總局數只有 499 IP、每場比賽平均是 5.6 IP,這使得今年牛棚目前的投球總局數達到 288 IP (3.24 IP/G),比起 2005 年牛棚總局數的 444.2 IP (2.74 IP/G),和去年爆胎連連的牛棚總局數 512.1 IP (3.16 IP/G),明顯牛棚的負荷越來越重,還好季前 Braves 在牛棚的補強有一定的效果,否則今年可能比去年還慘。
(三) 牛棚
Reliever | SV | BS | ERA | WHIP | pLI | WPA | BRAA |
Rafael Soriano | 5 | 0 | 2.79 | 0.83 | 1.17 | 2.32 | 8.38 |
Peter Moylan | 1 | 0 | 2.12 | 1.11 | 0.64 | 1.39 | 8.59 |
Tyler Yates | 1 | 1 | 3.99 | 1.28 | 0.90 | 0.84 | 5.66 |
Mike Gonzalez | 2 | 0 | 1.59 | 1.35 | 0.99 | 0.74 | 4.80 |
Macay McBride | 0 | 0 | 3.60 | 1.93 | 0.35 | 0.12 | -5.91 |
Blaine Boyer | 0 | 0 | 3.38 | 2.06 | 0.44 | 0.06 | 0.30 |
Buddy Carlyle | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 0.48 | 0.03 | 0.53 |
Joey Devine | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 0.04 | 0.01 | 1.06 |
Wil Ledezma | 0 | 0 | 6.43 | 1.29 | 0.61 | 0.00 | -1.57 |
Kevin Barry | 0 | 0 | 22.50 | 4.00 | 0.02 | -0.01 | -3.94 |
Mark Redman | 0 | 0 | 27.00 | 4.50 | 0.35 | -0.08 | -3.86 |
Chad Paronto | 1 | 1 | 4.18 | 1.61 | 0.61 | -0.15 | -2.34 |
O. Villarreal | 0 | 1 | 3.78 | 1.28 | 0.61 | -0.52 | 3.24 |
Bob Wickman | 16 | 4 | 4.80 | 1.63 | 1.95 | -0.53 | -4.08 |
Steve Colyer | 0 | 0 | 4.91 | 3.55 | 0.98 | -0.54 | -4.29 |
雖然被寄以厚望的 Mike Gonzalez 因傷要到明年季中才能再上場,Braves 的牛棚還是非常不錯,Rafael Soriano、Peter Moylan、Tyler Yates 對比賽的貢獻沒什麼好懷疑的,而 Bob Wickman 的狀況就真的不好了,今年上半季的表現,不論在能力指標和貢獻指標上都不如預期,但還是要讚賞一下整體牛棚的貢獻,尤其在先發投手頻頻縮缸的情況下,還能 支撐球隊走到現在。
至於有無過度使用的問題,比較一下各球隊的狀況後,Braves 投球局數最多的 Villarreal(47.2IP) 和 Moylan(46.2IP) 在國聯裏排到第八和第九,而接下來的 Soriano(38.2IP) 和 Yates(38.1IP) 排到 30 名和 Billy Wagner、Scott Linebrink 差不多局數,應該還在保固範圍內吧。
就 WPA 總和來看,打擊的 WPA 總和 (不包括投手) 是 2.37,先發投手是 -1.38,牛棚是 3.69。顯而易見,今年上半季的問題就是出在先發投手。
以上用偷懶的方式做了上半季的統計,就算是一個簡單的紀錄吧。若以今年國聯西區的實力和表現,似乎已經佔住外卡的機會,Braves 要想重返季後賽只能搶下 NL East 的冠軍,我覺得討論機會多少沒什麼意思,而在各隊差距不大的情況下,場場皆重要的精采比賽更令人期待。