Monday, September 3, 2007

Trash talk

Is Braves' season over? Mathematically, not yet. But after being swept by Mets, this year was failed disappointedly. I am sorry that Braves can't go to the play-off, on the other hand, the result is not bad for the team and fans.

21st century's Braves are not strong as 1990's, limited budget, elder core players, spoiled fans and the same stubborn Bobby Cox. I don't know, after two years without playoff, not feeling that bad.

最近半個月很少看棒球,MLB.TV 晾在旁邊也很久了。I think that I need a fresh air without baseball around.

當初建立這個部落格,除了自己對 Braves 的喜愛,還希望能留下一些紀錄,在未來數十年視茫茫、髮蒼蒼、齒牙動搖後,有一些值得回憶的東西。但畢竟年紀越來越大,花在這裡的時間也越來越少,不營養的內容反而是一種傷害,考慮把這個 blog 收了。

很訝異的,我發現還有不少網友光臨這個沒啥內容的地方,這要非常感謝一些同樣熱愛 MLB 的部落客,把這裏加入各位的連結,以目前「中華洋基」當道的台灣,各位才是最棒的。

很抱歉這裡一直沒有開放 comment,主要是懶、怕忘了回覆,尤其自作聰明改了 Template 後,有點難改回來。Anyway, 謝謝曾經蒞臨的網友,雖然我不認識各位,但非常謝謝你們。

如果對小弟有什麼指教的,請 email 至,謝謝。

Go Braves!!