Saturday, May 5, 2007

Smoltz's 197th win & Quote of today

Braves 打敗暫居西區第一的道奇隊,Smoltz 也獲得生涯第 197 勝,而且這是他自 1999-04-19 以來第一次對 Dogers 拿下勝投。乍看之下,似乎近幾年 Smoltz 對 Dogers 的成績不怎麼樣。How can it be?

簡略 break down 這幾年的對戰表現來看,其實 Smoltz 的內容還是不錯的,尤其在擔任 closer 的 2001(part)-2004 更為優異。這種投手與球隊的對戰數字其實沒有多大的意義,尤其不同區的球隊比賽不多、數據的樣本太少,加上球隊的成員、年齡的因素 ... 等等都是變數,大概只有球場這個 factor 是固定的,不過這算是看球的話題之一,可以增加一些看比賽的樂趣。

Smoltz's states vs Dogers, 1999-2006

1999 2 2 0 10.1 1 1 3.48
2001 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00
2002 3 0 1 3 0 0 0.00
2003 3 0 3 3 0 0 0.00
2004 4 0 2 4 0 0 2.25
2005 1 1 0 7 0 0 2.57
2006 1 1 0 5 0 1 9.00
Sub 15 4 6 33.1 1 2 3.26

Quote of today:
Atlanta Braves 目前是大聯盟裡二出局後最會得分的球隊,在所有的 146 得分裏佔了 74 分。

"Don't even ask me about that anymore,"
Cox said with a smile. "I don't have an answer to that one."

McCann 因為手指受傷休息了一場,今天復出 4 次上場打擊 2 H、2 BB,應該復原的還不錯,而 Salty 在 Brayan Pena 的 15-day DL 到期後,也該會回到 AA Mississippi 增加比賽的經驗了。而今天第一局下半,在二出局、球數已滿的狀況下,Tomko 投的是個偏離本壘板好幾吋的壞球,但 McCann 還是擊出反方向的二壘安打為球隊打下二分,this kid really can hit。

Tomko couldn't believe that McCann was able to get his bat on the pitch, which appeared to be several inches off the plate.
"It wasn't even close to being a strike," Tomko said.

John Smoltz 在第四局 Dogers 無人出局、滿壘的狀況下未失一分,取代 Langerhans 站 LF 的 Willie Harris 精彩的守備至少救了二分。雖然目前只先發了三場比賽,Harris 在打擊和防守上的表現還挺稱職的,說不定出現了另一個 Charles Thomas,而累計擊出五支安打已經比 Langerhans 的三支多了!Poor Langy, wish you luck.

"When I'm pitching, the outfielders are the most important players on the field," Smoltz said. "When Willie Harris made that catch, I though that would be their last chance to score."