Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Braves 731 Countdown

1:01pm: ESPN's Jayson Stark says the Dodgers and Yankees have also flirted with the idea of acquiring Teixeira. The Braves want a big-league ready bat, preferably a first baseman, in any trade.

12:23pm: Ken Rosenthal says the Angels and D'Backs are competing for Teixeira. The Halos would like to expand the deal to include a lefty reliever like Will Ohman or Mike Gonzalez. Joe Saunders and Ervin Santana are off-limits, but Casey Kotchman and Juan Rivera can be had. Not sure why Rivera would appeal to the Braves, since he's a free agent after the season.

8:29am: When we last left off, various sources conflicted on whether the D'Backs are the frontrunner to acquire Mark Teixeira. Let's kick off a new thread for the likely slew of new Tex rumors today.

According to Mike DiGiovanna of the L.A. Times, the Angels are once again exploring a trade for Teixeira. They are warming to the idea of adding a rental player to their first-place club. The price for Teixeira is said to be a first baseman, starter, and power-hitting outfielder. DiGiovanna also wonders if a deal could be expanded to include Will Ohman, much like last year when the Rangers added Ron Mahay.

----- 下面是廢話 -----
well, Braves are out this year. 今年的勇士霉星高照,先發投手的John Smoltz四月底進DL、六月復出投了一局就掛整季,Tom Glavine投了12場59.3局六月十一號進了DL還沒放出來,Mike Hampton最近才主投三年來的第一場球,Tim Hudson正準備去見Dr. Andrews(You know what it means..)。中繼投手的Peter Moylan季初開Tommy John整季報銷,Rafael Soriano從六月六號躺DL到七月二十一號才歸隊,Mike Gonzalez去年開完Tommy John到六月才回到場上。最好的打者 Chipper、McCann 也進了DL。這下不是擔心能不能順利交易Teixeira,而是整個球隊的狀況到了一個臨界點。

Tex的交易個人沒有什麼想法,事實上我希望能留他下來。畢竟Chipper的年紀大了,Frency令人失望,McCann的表現沒話說,可是球隊不太可能長期依賴一個蹲捕累的半死、還要來扛第三、四棒的,少了Tex這種 proven power hitter是非常傷的。如果可以交易到類似紅襪Kevin Youkilis的最好,或者希望至少能弄到前幾名的新秀,不然若因為沒錢留Teixeria、將來也很難有$$簽這種等級的自由球員,未來幾年實在看不出Braves有什麼機會。

目前幾個關於Tex的交易謠言都不太好,而留到年底等別的球隊簽,勇士最好的狀況是拿個1st round和sandwitch二個選秀權,若Tex被排名後一點(選秀權前15名)球隊簽走的話,那Braves就只能拿到sandwich和2nd round的選秀權了。我想與其賭明年的選秀還不如現在能換到別隊big-league ready's prospects來的保險。anyway, 交易不是那麼的一廂情願,只能等著看了。

Smoltz和Glavine兩位老骨頭明年能不能回來?Hudson會不會開Tommy John? .... 我的老天!