Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Evil Empire Jr.

Red Sox appear primed for a Yankees-like offseason
If the Red Sox are trying to be the Anti-Yankees, then they are doing a poor job.

折騰了老半天,結果松坂大輔可能落腳紅襪,Holly cow ... $51.1M入札金!雖然紅襪也有可能最後放棄與松坂簽約,但可能性應該不高,因為這不但牽涉到 MLB 與 NPB 的默契,也關係到紅襪球團的信用問題;anyway, 最多30天我們就知道了。而最諷刺的是,不管紅襪宣稱自己是多麼地精打細算與周詳計畫,但不可否認的,他們離洋基又近了一步,不只是實力,球隊的交易與經營也更接近了他們為對手取的綽號 "Evil Empire"。

Sports Illustrated 第一段,全文請點閱連結。
We are not the Yankees, the Red Sox keep saying. They are the Evil Empire. We are trying to win the right way. They spend wildly and, quite often, recklessly. We are about financial discipline and building for the future.

No, the Yankees are something else entirely, the Sox insist. But to the rest of us?

Well, if the Sox aren't the Yankees, they're not that far off.